- Answerable
- Ant
- Ant-lion
- Antagonism
- Ante-mortem
- Antecedent
- Antedate
- Antediluvian
- Antelope
- Antemeridian
- Antenatal
- Anticlimax
- Anticlockwise
- Antics
- Antimony
- Antipathetic
- Antipathy
- Antipodes
- Antipole
- Antiquated
- Antitoxin
- Antler
- Antonym
- Ants hill
- Aphnology
- Aphonia
- Aphtha
- Apiarist
- Apiary
- Apiece
- Apl
- Apologize
- Apophthegm
- Apoplexy
- Apostolic
- Apothecary
- Applicant
- Application software
- Applied
- Applique
- Apply
- Appoint
- Appointment
- Appologised
- Appoointed
- Apportioning
- Apportionment
- Appose
- Appraisable
- Appraisee
- Appreciably
- Appreciate
- Aptly
- Aqua regia
- Aquaculture
- Arab
- Arabian jasmine
- Arbiter
- Arbitral
- Arboreal
- Arcade
- Arch-enemy
- Archaeologically
- Archaically
- Archangel
- Archduke
- Arched
- Archers
- Archetype
- Archie
- Arching
- Architect of gods
- Arid
- Arise
- Arisen
- Aristocracy
- Arithmetic
- Arithmetic progression
- Arithmetical progression
- Armada
- Armadillo
- Armature
- Armchair
- Armed
- Armed neutrality
- Armenius
- Armhole
- Armoire
- Armour
- Armour-plated
- Arrogant person
- Arrogantly
- Arrow-root plant
- Arrowhead
- Arrowroot
- Arsenal
- Arsonist
- Art of war
- Artefact
- Artful