- A fair treat
- A feather in one's cap
- A fellow believer
- A few
- A fight to the finish
- A fighting chance
- A figure of squaresused in holy spells
- A fly on the wall
- A gem
- A good deal
- A good or great many
- A hen party
- A herb with the smell of camphor
- A historical
- A hollow laughter
- A la
- A labour of love
- A little only
- A mad dash
- A mad scramble
- A man of senses
- A matter of course
- A medicinal herb
- A medicinal plant
- A momant
- A musical drum
- A pair
- A peg to hang on
- A pinch of
- A pipe-dream
- A planetary junction in which the moon stands in the focus of the sun
- A poison
- A regular life
- A rolling stone gathers no moss
- A second opinion
- A small cup
- A small play
- A smart move
- A sore thumb
- Abacus
- Abandoning
- Abase
- Abashing
- Abashment
- Abatement of sickness
- Abbreviate
- Abc
- Abcess
- Abdicate
- Abdication
- Abduction
- Abed
- Abend
- Abode
- Abolition
- Abominable
- Aborigines
- Abort
- Aborted
- About us
- Above oneself
- Above price
- Abracadabra
- Abracos
- Abrade
- Abrading
- Abrandant
- Abrasively
- Abrasiveness
- Abreast
- Abridged
- Abrupt
- Abruptness
- Abscond
- Absconded out
- Absconding
- Abseil
- Absence
- Absent
- Axilla
- Absurd
- Absurdism
- Absurdity
- Abundantly
- Abused
- Abutting
- Abysmal
- Ac
- Acc
- Accelerated
- Acceleration
- Accompanist
- Accord
- According as
- Accountancy
- Accountant
- Accoutre
- Accoutrement
- Accreditation
- Acetylene