- Tenantry
- Tender age
- Tender bud
- Tentatively
- Tenuity
- Term of office
- Termagant
- Termes bellicostus
- Terminational
- Termite
- Termites
- Tern
- Ternary
- Terra
- Terrarium
- Terrible twins
- Terrier
- Terrified
- Territorial
- Territory
- Terrorise
- Tetrabasic
- Textbook
- Textured
- Thalassemia
- Thaliparamba
- Thallium
- Thank god
- Thank you for
- Thank you for nothing
- Thankful
- Thankless
- Thanks to
- Thawed
- Thawing
- The nativity
- The 7th case
- The absolute
- The absurd
- The apple of one's eyes
- The apple of ones eye
- The bird bluejay
- The bird has flown
- The buddha
- Theocracy
- The church
- The daily grind
- The dead and the dying
- The decencies
- The demon-king of lanka
- The depressed
- The depths
- The devas
- The early bird catches the worm
- The east
- The eleven
- The eternal
- The fault of not mentioning the essential
- The greek goddess of learning and arts
- The hard way
- The hip and loins
- The holy city
- The holy spirit
- The hot seat
- The hump of an ox
- The infernal
- The infinite
- The iron entered into his soul
- The job in hand
- The killer instinct
- The last lap
- The letter e
- The maker
- The male of plants
- The middle of the eight directions of the compass
- The most high
- The new rich
- The nineties
- The object desired or longed for
- The prerils of
- The racing world
- The real thing
- The reverend gentleman
- The rights and wrongs
- The root of sweet-rush
- The rope
- The running
- The serpent
- The services
- The shadow of his former self
- The shakes
- The sick
- The simple life
- The sons of men
- The soul of honour
- The star canopus
- The stuff
- The terror
- Thenceforth, thenceforward
- The west