- cryptocurrency
- Congenital heart defects
- Congeries
- Congest
- Conglomerate
- Conglomeration
- Conglutinate
- Congressional
- Congressman
- Congruity
- Conically
- Conics
- Conjectural
- Conjecture
- Conjunction of planets
- Conjure
- Conjurer
- Conk
- Connect time
- Conspiracy
- Constabulary
- Consternate
- Consternation
- Constituency
- Construct
- Constructed in front of mansions
- Consulate
- Contemplative
- Contempt of court
- Contemptuousness
- Contender
- Cordate
- Conterminous
- Contextualise
- Contexture
- Continence
- Contravention
- Contribute
- Contributor
- Contrite
- Controls
- Controversialist
- Contumely
- Coprology
- Convictions
- Convining
- Coomb
- Convulsive disorders
- Cook up
- Cookbook
- Cornflake
- Cooker
- Cookie
- Cooking vessel
- Cool mind
- Corn
- Corn exchange
- Corn heap
- Corn pone
- Cornal desire
- Cornea
- Cornelian
- Cornered
- Cornet
- Cornucopia
- Corolla
- Corona
- Coronary artery
- Coronary thrombosis
- Coronation
- Corrugate
- Corsage
- Corselet
- Coruscation
- Coryza
- Cosmetic preparation
- Cosmogonal suktha
- Cosmography
- Cosmological
- Cosmology
- Coumarone
- Counseller
- Counselling
- Countdown
- Counter plea
- Counter-acting
- Coup de grace
- Couple
- Courses
- Court of law
- Courtesies
- Courtliness
- Courtly
- Craftsman
- Cram
- Cramp
- Crampon
- Crankily
- Cranny
- Crap