- Cheerless
- Cheerly
- Cheery
- Cheese
- Chef
- Chemical engineer
- Cigarrette
- Chemically
- Chemist
- Chemosynthesis
- Chemotherapy
- Chequered career
- Chera king
- Chera ruler
- Chirm
- Chief god governing the elements
- Chief guard
- Chief justice
- Chief minister
- Chief note
- Chief supervisor
- Chieftain
- Chilappathikaram
- chilblains
- Child bearing
- Child labour
- Child-delivery
- Childhood
- Childlike
- Childminder
- Chirography
- Chiromancy
- Chirpy
- Choose
- Chivalrous person
- Chive
- Chloric
- Chlorine
- Chlorophyll
- Chloroplast
- Chocked with emotions
- Chocolate
- Choir
- Choke down
- Chokes
- Chrysalis
- Chthonic
- Chuckle
- Chugger
- Chum up
- Chunnam
- Churn-staff
- Churn-stick
- Chute
- Chutney
- Circling
- Circumcise
- Circumfluence
- Circumnavigation
- Circumpolar
- Circumscribe
- Circumstance
- Circumvent
- Circumvention
- Circus
- Cisc
- Cissuspedafa
- Cistern
- Citadel
- Citation
- Civilisation
- Clabber
- Clack
- Cladding
- Clairvoyance
- Clairvoyant
- Clamant
- Clamber
- Clamorous
- Clamp
- Clamp down
- Clan
- Clan-chief
- Clancining
- Clangourous
- Clap
- Claptrap
- Clay modelling
- Clean
- Clean out
- Cleaner
- Cleaning
- Cleansed
- Clear away
- Clear data
- Clear out
- Clear the place
- Clear the way
- Clear up
- Clientele