- Choice
- Choke off
- Christian era
- Christian name
- Christmas eve
- Christmas tree
- Chromoplast
- Chronic disease
- Chronological
- Cicada
- Cider-press
- Cilium
- Cim
- Cincture
- Cinegoer
- Cinema
- Cinematic
- Cinematographer
- Circean
- Citizenry
- Citron
- City
- City fathers
- City mofussil
- Civic sense
- Civil
- Civil marriage
- Claw-hammer
- Clawback
- Clax of brass
- Clay cart
- Clayey
- Clean-shaved head
- Cleanly
- Cleanser
- Cleansing
- Clear a debt
- Clear ones throat
- Clear statement
- Cliche
- Cliche-ridden
- Cliched
- Click
- Client
- Cliff-hanger
- Climatic
- Climatics
- Climax
- Climb
- Climbable
- Climbing
- Cline
- Clinic
- Clinical thermometer
- Close up
- Close-set
- Closing date
- Clot buster
- Cloth
- Cloth for onam
- Co-action
- Co-brother
- Co-brother-in-law
- Co-extensive
- Co-habiting
- Co-student
- Coadjutant
- Coal field
- Coal-black
- Coalesce
- Cock of the walk
- Cock-up
- Cockroach
- Coconut husk
- Coconut scrapes
- Cocoon
- Cod fish
- Codasyl
- Code of conduct
- Codec
- Cold shoulder
- Cold sore
- Coldly
- Coldness
- Colic
- Collaborator
- Collagen
- Collateral
- Collect
- Collectable
- Colonel
- Coloration
- Colorless
- Colour
- Colouration
- Coloured
- Colourful
- Colourless
- Colporteur
- Colubrine